GOR 2004


Program [pdf]

Poster [pdf]


[Deutsche Version]

German Online Research 2004


The Sixth International Conference GERMAN ONLINE RESEARCH will take place from March 30-31, 2004 at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. It is jointly organized by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF e.V.) and the Institute of Sociology, University of Duisburg-Essen.

International Advisory Board:
Michael H. Birnbaum (California State University), Ingwer Borg (Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, ZUMA Mannheim), Mick P. Couper (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Don A. Dillman (Washington State University) , Ulf-Dietrich Reips (Universität Zürich), Barry Wellman (University of Toronto)
Program Committee:
Marc Deutschmann, Frank Faulbaum, Holger Geißler, Uwe Matzat, Olaf Wenzel
Local Organisation:
Marc Deutschmann, Frank Faulbaum, Uwe Matzat
Additional Support:
Bernad Batinic, Lorenz Gräf, Sophia Herrlich, Olaf Hofmann, Matthias Machenheimer, Dieter Mayer, Lars Ninke, Stefan Pielicke, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Maria Wardenga


  • Duisburger Universitätsgesellschaft
  • Institut für Soziologie der Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • Fakultät 1 - Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • DocCheck (Posterpreis)

    Conference languages are English and German. Only sessions that are explicitly labelled as "German-language" have German-language presentations (and English-language transparencies). All other sessions include English-language presentations. By clicking on the author´s name, you find the respective abstract.

    Monday, March 29, 2004 - Pre-Conference Workshops



    - 15:30

    Online Employee Surveys, Part 1
    (German language)
    Holger Geißler/Birgit Bedenk

    The Analysis of Online Groups:
    Topics, findings, techniques, and applications

    Nicola Döring

    On-line Experimenting, Part 1

    Ulf-Dietrich Reips

    - 17:15

    Online Employee Surveys, Part 2
    (German language)
    Holger Geißler/Birgit Bedenk

    The Analysis of Social Networks in the field of Internet Research

    Christian Stegbauer/Alexander Rausch

    On-line Experimenting, Part 2

    Ulf-Dietrich Reips


    Non-Reactive Methods of Data Collection on the Internet, Part 1

    Dietmar Janetzko



    Early-Bird Check-In
    BRAUHAUS SCHACHT 4/8, Düsseldorfer Straße 21, 47051 Duisburg

    Tuesday, March 30, 2004


    Program (room 1)


    Conference Opening


    Prof. Dr. Frank Faulbaum, University Duisburg-Essen
    Bärbel Zieling, Lord Mayor City of Duisburg
    Prof. Dr. Lothar Zechlin, Principal University Duisburg-Essen


    The German Society for Online Research & the conference series
    German Online Research
    Dr. Uwe Matzat (Member of the Board of the DGOF)


    Coffee Break & Exhibition


    The Keynote Speech:
    Prof. Don A. Dillman (Washington State University)
    How On-Line Surveys are Democratizing Social Research and
    Challenging Survey Methodology


    Coffee Break & Exhibition

    Tuesday, March 30, 2004


      Session 1   Method Effects   (room 1)

    Session Chair: Marc Deutschmann

    H.-U. Muehlenfeld
    The impact on interviewee behavior caused by audiovisual online-communication answering sensitive questions

    Tom Buchanan & Adam N. Joinson
    Are online-offline differences in personality test scores due to increased self-disclosure?

    Ramiro Glauer & Daniel Schneider
    Online-Surveys: Effects of different display formats, response orders as well as progress indicators in a not-experimental enviroment

    Sabina Gesell, Susan D. Burkholz & Mickey J. Standiford
    Mode test of an online and paper employee satisfaction survey: Comparison of respondents and non-respondents

    Sven Gockenbach, Michael Bosnjak & Anja Göritz
    Stereotypic response patterns within matrix questions in web surveys


      Session 2   E-Learning & E-Teaching   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Ulf-Dietrich Reips

    Oliver Rack & Margarete Boos
    User-Composer-Fit - Criterion for using new media more successfully?

    Mirjam Hauck
    The relevance of metacognitive knowledge and strategy use for language learners in multimodal virtual environments

    Nils Jensen
    Supporting experiential learning in virtual laboratories

    Frank P. Schulte, Edgar Heineken & Heike Ollesch
    Teaching online methods in higher education -the study module "Experimental Psychology" as an example

    Anja Naumann, Jacqueline Waniek, Thomas Schaefer & Josef Krems
    The effect of different previous information on text comprehension and navigation in hypertext


      Session 3   E-Democracy & the Civil Society   (room 4)

    Session Chair: Bernad Batinic

    Silvia Ellermann
    The application of online-systems for voting

    Peter v. d. Besselaar & Anne-Marie Oostveen
    E-voting: participation, turn out, and digital divide

    Germán Loewe
    E-Democracy in Catalonia: Looking for an Optimal Design Through a Preliminary Online Study

    Stefan Salz
    Polling in participation systems: an exemplary integration in dito


      Session 4   The Digital Divide   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Uwe Matzat

    Sylvia Korupp
    "No Man is an Island "- The Role of the Family for Computer Use at Home

    Gudrun Hilles
    Inclusion profiles and the internet: internet as multiplier of social inequality or as catalyst for inclusion in different societal subsystems?

    Pille Vengerfeldt
    The Role of the information environment in adopting the Internet

    Angelika Volst
    Penetration of the internet. A scale to measure "Digital Divide" and "Digital Segmentation"

    Robert Geisler
    Digital Divide in the Post-socialist City - The Example of Tychi


    Lunch Break


      Session 5   Online Employee Surveys (German-language presentation)   (room 1)

    Session Chair: Marc Deutschmann

    Ingwer Borg & Frank Faulbaum
    Online and other methods of data collection in employee surveys: A comparison

    Ulf -Dietrich Reips & Lenka Franek
    Employee surveys via internet or paper? The influence of administration mode, anonymity, voluntariness of participation, and age on answering behavior

    Christian Escher & Frank Hauser
    Online- and offline-employee surveys in theory and practice

    Manuela Pötschke
    Paper and pencil or online? Methodological experiences from an employee survey


      Session 6   Usability (German-language presentation)   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Holger Geißler

    Herbert A. Meyer
    Experimental studies on the usability of open source web applications

    Daniel Schmeisser, Michael Sauer & Gary Bente
    Integrated eyetrace- and navigation-analysis: an innovative instrument for usability-research


      Session 7   E-Business-Research   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Holger Geißler

    Brian Webb & Frank Schlemmer
    SME E-Business success factors: results, processes and methods

    Jesse Weltevreden
    The adoption of the Internet among retailers in city centres: towards a continuum of Internet strategies


      Session 8   Internet & Organizations   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Christian Stegbauer

    Kai Oppel, Patrick Rössler & Anika Struppert
    The intranet as an instrument of corporate communications and knowledge management - present situation and comparison with other means of corporate communication and information

    Nicole Zillien & Thomas Lenz
    "Hi Boss" - equalizing and hierarchy-strengthening effects of e-mail usage in enterprises

    Winfried Tautges & Andreas Schäfer
    Hybrid meeting-management

    Heinrich Schwarz
    Challenging the myth of creativity: technology and ideology in advertising work


      Session 9   Online-Groups: Structures, Interaction & Effects   (room 4)

    Session Chair: Bernad Batinic

    Andrea Müller & Margarete Boos
    Knowledge exchange via discussion forums in virtual courses or only coffee klatsch?

    Uwe Matzat
    The quality of information in knowledge exchanging online groups: A higher user satisfaction with online discussions via offline social networks?

    Pernill G. A. van der Rijt, Bart J. van den Hooff, Jan A. de Ridder & Marieke J. Wenneker
    Cruel Intentions? CMC, Uncertainty, and the Willingness to Share Knowledge

    Matthias Trenel
    Measuring participation and interactivity in online-discussions

    Viviane Wolff
    The Discourse Meter for E-discourse


    Coffee Break & Exhibition


      Session 10   New Methods of Internet-Research
      (German-language presentation)
       (room 1)

    Session Chair: Wolfgang Bandilla

    Thomas Klein-Reesink
    Conceptual brand m@pping - a web-based method to elicit conceptual networks of brand knowledge and to interpret them in a network-analytical way

    Torsten Koch
    Application of image-based conjoint analysis on the internet

    Thomas Donath, Claas-Friedrich Nordmeyer & Holger Geißler
    Online experiments in commercial market research

    Stefan Stieger
    "What the h... are they doing?" - What are respondents doing while filling in an online-questionnaire

    Ingo Dammer
    Qualitative Discussion Groups: An Online Contribution to Research Methods


      Session 11   Meetings of Software Usergroups
      (German-language presentation)
       (room 4)

    Globalpark; Interrogare; Rogator


      Session 12   User-Research   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Adam Joinson

    Shyam Sundar
    The Psychology of Interactivity: Theory and Research on its Effects

    Silvia Knobloch, Matthias Hastall, Daniela Grimmer & Julia Brück
    Selecting information online: impacts of efficacy on selective exposure to good and bad news

    Matthias Blümke, Malte Friese, Michaela Wänke & Klaus Fiedler
    Prediction of voters' behavior by means of reaction time based measures on the internet

    Kate Hudson, Iris Chelaru & Kerry Shaw
    Going Online or Calling the Help Desk? Assessing Support Resources for Student Administration Web Applications

    Lars Kaczmirek, Michael Bosnjak, Wolfgang Bandilla & Tina Auer
    Web-based surveys in market and social research: usage and needs of different user groups in the EU


      Session 13   Online Groups & Reputation Systems: Electronic Auctions   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Uwe Matzat

    Ben Jann, Andreas Diekmann & David Wyder
    Trust and Reputation in Internet-Auctions

    Sonja Utz
    Trust at eBay - influenced by the reputation of the seller or the description of the product?

    Richard L. Zijdeman & Chris Snijders
    Reputation and Internet Auctions: EBay and Beyond

    Dirk Obermeier & Michael Bosnjak
    Predicting and explaining the use of online-auctions - A comparison of two action-theoretical models


    Meeting of the Members of the German Society for Online Research (DGOF e.V.)

    from 19:30

    GOR Conference-Dinner

    GOR Party

    Wednesday, March 31, 2004


      Session 14   Respondents' Motivation   (room 1)

    Session Chair: Manuela Pötschke

    Anja Göritz
    Material incentives in web surveys: Two meta-analyses

    Elisabeth Deutskens, Martin Wetzels & Ko de Ruyter
    Motivations underlying the intention to participate in Internet-based research

    Rainer Böhme
    The effect of motivating elements on response strategies in online surveys

    Bernad Batinic
    Determinants of participation in online access panels


      Session 15   Web-Site Analysis (German-language presentation)   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Olaf Hofmann

    Frank Knapp
    Website optimisation & controlling by benchmarking

    Matthias Koch & Daniel Baier
    E Characteristics and differences of municipal and regional portals in local ecommerce

    Heidemarie Hanekop
    Customer expectations towards online-services: self-service vs. advisory service? Results of focusgroup discussions with customers

    Thomas Bamert & Rudolf Ergenzinger
    User and non-user behaviour - Illustrated by the largest internet retailer


      Session 16   E-Health (German-language presentation)    (room 4)

    Session Chair: Frank Faulbaum

    Volker Hüfken, Marc Deutschmann, Thomas Baehring & Werner Scherbaum
    Health via Internet? Who are the Users of Medical Information in the WWW

    Friedhelm Meier
    Online Research with AQS 10i for clinical und health research in accordance with quality standards of FDA and ICH (GCP, GLP)

    Martina Stille
    Using webcams to interview physicians and pharmacists

    Bernhard Witt
    Two Rivers - Market Research meets aCRM


      Session 17   Online-Offline-Relationships   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Ulf-Dietrich Reips

    Volker Taeube
    Connected and Disconnected? On the Impact of Internet Use on Social Connectedness

    Gustavo S. Mesch & Ilan Talmud
    Making Friends Online: Personal Needs and Social Compensation

    Monica Whitty
    Shopping for Love on the Internet: Men and Women's experiences of using an Australian Internet dating site


    Coffee Break & Exhibition




    Marleen Brinks:
    Aggression against Computers
    Andrea Frick, C. Neuhaus & T. Buchanan:
    Quitting online studies: Effects of design elements and personality on dropout and nonresponse
    Yves Hänggi:
    How effective is web-based prevention of stress? An account of first experiences with online parental training in coping with stress in the family.
    Martin Heidingsfelder & Wolfgang Neubarth:

    Standardisierung bei Online-Mitarbeiterbefragungen
    Markus Joos, Sascha Weber & Boris Velichkovsky:
    Usability research with eye-tracking
    Alexander Karapidis & Gabriele Korge:
    Service performance of enterprise on-line measure and evaluate
    Michael Stiller:

    Conceptual Framework of an individual buying decision support system
    Sandra Wagner:
    Political Internet-Usage in an Online-Survey - an example for the bias of Online-Access-Panels
    Andrea Weidenfeld:
    Fragebogentools zur Onlineforschung
    Mirko Wendland & Anja Berger:
    Flowerleben in einem Onlinespiel
    Janka Willige:
    Awarding incentives and holding prize draws: Measures to raise the willingness to take part in an online panel (HISBUS student panel)

    12:00-approx. 13:30

      Panel-Discussion: 10 Years of Online Market Research: How is it going further?
      (German-language Discussion)   (room 1)

    Dr. Bernad Batinic (Moderation)
    (Universität Erlangen)
     Dr. Michael Bosnjak
    (Universität Mannheim)
     Dr. Lorenz Graef
    (Globalpark, Köln-Hürth)
     Olaf Hofmann
    (SKOPOS, Köln-Hürth)
     Dr. Frank Knapp
    (Psyma Online Research, Rückersdorf)
     Dr. Herbert A. Meyer
    (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
     Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips
    (Universität Zürich)


      Session 18   E-Democracy & the Civil Society   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Chris Snijders

    Lilliard Richardson
    American State Legislators in the Internet Age

    Dirk Meurer
    Structures of attention regarding political communication in the world wide web: A network analysis of political websites


      Session 19   Online-Offline: Social Networks & Relationships   (room 4)

    Session Chair: Uwe Matzat

    Krisztina Csüllög & Csaba Szabó
    The role of ICTs in maintaining interpersonal relationships

    Jeff Gavin, Jill Duffield & Adrian Scott
    Meet me in the Real World: Internet Dating and the Transition from Online to Offline Relationship


    Lunch Break



      Session 20   Method Effects (German-language presentation)   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Marc Deutschmann

    Thorsten Faas
    Do access panels really yield representative results?

    Lars Balzer
    Internet-usage within a delphi-study

    Axel Theobald
    How not to do it: Der Einfluss suggestiver Fragen und schlechter Skalen auf die Ergebnisse von Online-Befragungen

    Heike Ollesch, Edgar Heineken & Frank P. Schulte
    Comparison of laboratory and online experiments: A research program

    Simon Riek, Christian Rietz & Thomas Krüger
    Using web surveys in mixed-mode approaches: an experimental comparison with "traditional" survey modes


      Roundtable 21  Online Market Research & Spam
      (German-language Discussion
    )   (room 1)

    Session Chair: Olaf Wenzel

    Hanno Müller
    (epublica GmbH, Hamburg, Spam-Experte und IT-Gutachter)
    Dieter Mayer
    (Mayer&Mayer Marketing Consulting)
    Olaf Hofmann
    (President of the DGOF)
    Erich Wiegand
    (ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V.)
    Eric Hilgendorf
    (Ordinarius für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht, Informationsrecht und Rechtsinformatik Universität Würzburg)


      Session 22   Internet & Science   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Frank Faulbaum

    Peter Mutschke
    Scientific Collaboration and the Invisible Web: Surfacing Distributed Co-Author Networks from Heterogeneous Web Datasources

    Franz Barjak
    On the integration of the Internet into science communication

    Andrea Scharnhorst & Colin Reddy
    The Web as a self-organized complex network - consequences for indicator research


      Session 23   Online Groups as Online Communities?   (room 4)

    Session Chair: Sonja Utz

    Lothar Krempel
    Identity and Social Innovations in the Web

    Andreas Brand
    The structure and organisation of the open source project KDE

    Claudia Verstraete
    Virtual communities of brands

    Andreas Tasch & Oliver Brakel
    Aceptance of "mobile community services"

    Georg Groh, Christian Hillebrand, Oliver Brakel & Andreas Tasch
    Privacy matters at location based services


    Coffee Break & Exhibition


      Session 24   Respondents' Motivation   (room 2)

    Session Chair: Anja Göritz

    Vanessa Vieselmeier, Manfred Leisenberg & Julian Ratzke
    The automatic segmentation of user profiles for e-commerce-applications based on neural networks

    Adam Joinson & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
    Salutation, Power and behaviour in on-line panels

    Peter Müßig-Trapp
    HISBUS online-panel: A virtual student village as an instrument for providing political advice and flash information

    Trent Buskirk & Charlotte Steeh
    R U There? Using Text Messaging as a method of contact in Wireless Phone Surveys


      Session 25   Quality in Online-Research (German-language presentation)   (room 1)

    Session Chair: Dieter Mayer & Martin Welker

    Martin Welker
    Quality check in the internet: Possibilities and characteristics

    Olaf Hofmann
    Quality assurcance in international online market research

    Dieter Mayer
    "Critical success factors in market research projects - Best-Practice-Benchmarking"

    Holger Geißler
    Quality criteria for employee online interviews


      Session 26   The Relevance of Online-News   (room 4)

    Session Chair: Anja Naumann

    Matthias Hastall, Silvia Knobloch & Shyam Sundar
    importance of journalistic values for online news readers: A cross-cultural experiment

    Özen Odag & Margrit Schreier
    The third Iraq War: On the credibility of media reports


      Session 27   The Digital Divide   (room 3)

    Session Chair: Lorenz Gräf

    Christian Stegbauer, Gerd Paul & Claus Tully
    Is the digital divide between young and elderly people increasing?

    Jan Schmidt
    Using public internet access centres

    Nadia Kutscher, Alexandra Klein & Stefan Iske
    The internet as social space for self-regulated appropriation of education



    Dr. Olaf Wenzel (Member of the Board of the DGOF)

    Winner of the Poster Prize of the GOR 04
    GOR 05

    (room 1)

    End of the GOR 04
    Past-Conference Workshops


    On-line Experimenting, Part 3

            (according to individual arrangement)        

    Ulf-Dietrich Reips

    Non-Reactive Methods of Data Collection on the Internet, Part 2

    Dietmar Janetzko

    Thursday, April 1, 2004





    "How the Visual Layout of Questions Influences Answers to Web and Other Self-Administered Surveys"
    Part 2
    Don A. Dillman


    Exhibitors at the GOR04

    Globalpark GmbH
    Kalscheurener Strasse 19a
    D-50354 Hürth
    Innofact AG
    Mutier-Ey-Strasse 5
    D-40213 Düsseldorf
    Interrogare GmbH
    Meisenstrasse 96
    D-33607 Bielefeld
    ISI GmbH
    Ascherberg 2
    D-37124 Göttingen-Rosdorf
    Mangold Software & Consulting GmbH
    Graf von Deym Strasse 5
    D-94424 Arnstorf
    Mediascore GmbH
    Von-Werth-Strasse 1
    D.50670 Köln
    Rogator Software AG
    Pilotystrasse 3
    D-90408 Nürnberg
    SPSS GmbH Software
    Rosenheimer Strasse 30
    D-81669 München
    Tobii Technology
    Saltmätargatan 8A
    SE-113 59 Stockholm


    A Web site by D.G.O.F.