Welcome to GOR 2001  

The 4th German Online Research Conference (GOR) is scheduled for May 17-18, 2001. The conference will be held in beautiful Göttingen, as it is jointly organized by DGOF and the Department for Social and Communication Psychology (Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos), University of Göttingen, Germany.

Check out the registration, the Call for Papers and GOR 2001 themes.

Important news:

** We proudly announce that two of the keynote addresses will be given by *Katelyn McKenna, New York, U.S.A.* and *Tom Postmes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands*.

** There will be a thread of presentations in English, such as complete sessions on <Computer-mediated communication in organizations> and <Individual differences research conducted online>. We have received abstracts from a number of countries, such as Russia, the U.S.A., The Netherlands, Spain, the UK, France, Greece, Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

You will find the abstracts to lectures and posters of GOR 2001   here  

The local organization team can be contacted at:

Georg-Elias-Mueller-Institut für Psychologie
Department for Social and Communication Psychology
Keyword: GOR-01
z.Hd. Dipl.-Sozw. Kai J. Jonas
Gosslerstr. 14
37073 Göttingen

eMail gor2001@uni-goettingen.de
URL http://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/abt/6/
Tel. +49-551-39-7954
FAX +49-551-39-7186

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