17th and 18th of May, 2001 University of Goettingen, Germany
Organized by:
German Online Research Society - DGOF e.V.
Georg-Elias-Mueller Institute for Psychology Georg-August University, Goettingen
The 4th German Online Research 2001 conference is organized jointly by
the German Society for Online Research (DGOF e.V.), and the University
of Goettingen's Georg-Elias-Mueller Institute for Psychology. The
conference will be held in Goettingen.
Presentation of empirical investigations which examine the Internet as
both an instrument for, and an object of, scientific investigation,
will be the central focus of the conference. Additionally, DGOF will
hold its annual assembly and regional chapters meeting during GOR 01.
Following in the tradition of previous GORs, it is our goal to document
the progress of research in Online Research and Internet Science and to
facilitate dialogue between theoretical and applied perspectives.
Conference central topics include:
- Basic Research @ Internet
- Learning and Teaching @ Internet
- Market Research @ Internet
- e-Commerce @ Internet
- Computer-Mediated Communication In Organizations
Presentations and posters will be organized around these central
topics. Background information on the list of topics can be found at:
Depending on the variety of topics appearing among submitted abstracts,
other topical foci for presentations and posters are possible (e.g.
Brands @ Internet or Web radio and Web TV).
Registration for all participants has started. Register at
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Please submit abstracts for presentations and posters by January 31,
2001 (deadline). Please send:
An abstract (maximum 250 words) plus the additional information requested
Abstracts can be submitted in either German or English. The conference
languages are German and English
Please supply the following information in your abstract:
1. Title of the presentation or poster
2. Type (presentation or poster)
3. Author(s)
4. Address of first author (postal address, phone number[s], e-mail and URLs)
5. Central topic choice
6. Keywords (max. 4)
7. Text of abstract (max. 250 words)
Submission format:
1) Send all documents in rich text format (.rtf) file format as an
attachment to: gorpaper@dgof.de
The subject line of your e-mail must contain the following text: "abstract".
2) In addition to sending attachments, include the abstract and
additional information in the body of your e-mail.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee, you will receive
notice of acceptance of your abstract by 15th February 2001. The
preliminary program will be posted from 15th March 2001 at:
Attendees may request to present their research in additional workshops
(symposia) besides the listed ones. Symposia should include a maximum
of five presentations. Please contact the organizing committee by e-mail
if you want to set up another workshop (symposium):
We are planning to publish the abstracts in an abstract volume, which
will be available in a WWW version at the time of the conference.
Publishing of the proceedings is planned as well.
The best poster wins a prize of DM 1000!
Additionally, there is the option of booking fair booth lots for
product presentations. Commercial presentations are possible in a
special forum and are not part of the academic program. It is not
possible for commercial presentations to be submitted as presentations
from individuals. Concerning commercial booths and presentations, please
contact Barbara Schauenburg, who works with the local organization committee:
Conference fees:
Conference fees include conference materials, two lunches, conference
dinner, drinks, and snacks during breaks.
Non-academic 480 DM (eg. company representatives, free-lancer, consultants,
Academic 210 DM
Students 110 DM
Presenting participants 50 DM (first authors only)
Conference fees have to be paid 100% in advance for Germans. Foreign
participants can pay their fees at the conference venue. Day tickets
are not available, doctoral students cannot register as students.
Further detailed information will be posted continually under the following URL:
Overview of the timeline:
01/31/01 Extended deadline for abstract submission
02/15/01 Feedback on abstract acceptance
03/15/01 Preliminary program will be published
05/17/01-05/18/01 Conference in Goettingen
Contact address of the local organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos
Dipl.-Sozw. Kai J. Jonas
e-mail: gor2001@uni-goettingen.de
URL: http://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/abt/6/
Phone: +49-551- 39-4705 (Boos) or -7949 (Jonas)
Fax: +49-551- 39-7186
University of Goettingen
Georg-Elias-Mueller-Institut for Psychology
RE: GOR-01
Gosslerstr. 14
D-37073 Goettingen