What is DGOF?
DGOF co-hosts the German Online Research Conferences (GOR) and supports activities that ...

menu Heinrich-Heine-University

General Online Research 11
March 14-16, 2011
Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf

Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for the conference program.
The International Board reviews the submissions and will be announced soon.


taddicken_thumb Dr. Monika Taddicken
(DGOF Board and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)


barz Prof. Dr. Heiner Barz
(Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany)
geissler_thumb Holger Geißler
(YouGovPsychonomics AG, Cologne, Germany; DGOF member of the board)
heltsche_thumb Maren Heltsche
(AG Social Media and Ausschnitt Medienbeobachtung, Berlin, Germany)
kaczmirek_thumb Dr. Lars Kaczmirek
(GESIS, Mannheim, Germany; DGOF member of the board and treasurer)
koehler_thumb Dr. Benedikt Köhler
(AG Social Media and ethority GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Martin Kornmeier
(Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Mannheim, Germany)
menzel_thumb Sabine Menzel
(Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Düsseldorf, Germany)

Sören Scholz
(Interrogare GmbH, Bielefeld, Germany)
tranow_thumb Dr. des. Ulf Tranow
(Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany)


   International Board - Reviewer:

Bäcker,  Dr. Eva Maria
Bandilla, Dr. Wolfgang
Batinic, Prof. Dr. Bernad
Bedenk , Dr. Birgit
Biffignandi, Prof. Dr. Silvia
Buchanan, Dr. Tom
Callegaro,  Dr. Mario
Couper, Prof. Dr. Mick
Das, Prof. Dr. Marcel
Diesner, Jana
Döring, Prof. Dr. Nicola
Dowling, Dr. Zoe
Eichenberg, Dr. Christiane
Engel, Prof. Dr. Uwe
Fabrizi, Enrico
Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Marek
Funke, Frederik
Göritz, Prof. Dr. Anja
Haferkamp, Dr. phil. Nina
Heublein, Frank
Israel, Prof. Dr. Glenn
Jann, Prof. Dr. Ben
Jarchow, Dr. Christian
Keusch, Florian
Knapp, Dr. Frank D.
Koller, Dr. Monika
Krüger, Dr. Thomas
Liebig, Dr. Christian
Lüttschwager, Frank
Matzat, Prof. Dr. Uwe
Maxl, Emanuel
Mirta, Dr. Galesic
Möser, Dr. Guido
Mruck. Dr. Katja
Müller, Prof. Dr. Karsten
Neubarth, Dr. Wolfgang
Pötschke, Akademische Rätin Manuela
Quan-Haase, Prof. Dr. Anabel
Reips, Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich
Scherpenzeel, Dr. Annette
Schmidt, Dr. Jan
Schmitz, Carsten
Singer, Prof. Dr. Eleanor
Smaluhn, Diplom-Informatiker Marc
Snijders, Prof. Dr. Chris
Starsetzki,  Thomas
Steinbrecher, Dr. Markus
Stetina,  Dr. Birgit U.
Stieger, Dr. Stefan
Stützer, Dipl.Ing.(FH) Cathleen
Thielsch, Dr. Meinald
Tijdens, Prof. Dr. Kea
Toepoel, Prof. Dr. Vera
Tomaselli, Dr. Angelo Rodolfo
Utz, Dr. Sonja
Welker, Prof. Dr. Martin
Yan, Dr. Ting

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Sponsor Track 1 „Online Research Methodology and Internet Surveys"

Sponsor Live-Voting "Best Practice Award"

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