General Online Research 09
April 6-8, 2009
University of Vienna, Austria
GOR 10: Outlook
We are
happy to inform you that next year's GOR will take place in
Pforzheim. In Germany Pforzheim is the
only University that offers a specialized
study program for Business Administration/Market and
Communication Research. So, please calendar May 26-28, 2010 so that we will see you at GOR 10!
GOR 09: Brief portrait
The focus of the General Online Research (GOR) is the
discussion of basic research, innovative developments,
and practical experiences in the field of online research. Online
research covers a) all methods, instruments and
theories that are dealing with the collection of data via online
networks and b) effects of online applications
and technologies on all levels of society. That involves mobile
communication as well. The annual GOR
conference involves research mainly within the social and behavioral
sciences. GOR 09 supports the exchange
of knowledge not only in an interdisciplinary way, but also between
researchers and practitioners as well as
between universities and companies.
GOR 09: Presentations
presented findings of
research on topics such as statistical bias in online sampling, mobile
collection, online communities and virtual teams, internet &
communication in everyday life, and others. You can download the
of last year's GOR via our Conftool. Registration and download are for
free, you simply have to create an account. Then go to "Program",
choose the session you want to have a look at, click "show downloads"
and then you can easily save the file.
GOR 09: Photo-Flashback
Who was
there and what happened at GOR 09 in Vienna?
a look via Flickr.
GOR 09: "Poster Award"
posters have won the
traditional GOR “Poster Award”: Monika Taddicken,
academic researcher from
university Hohenheim, Alice Hohn and Peter Miltner have won the "Poster
Award" which was sponsored by YouGovPsychonomics. Their poster
Information Disclosers or Target Oriented Spys: Different Ways of Using
studiVZ" was designed to characterize users of studiVZ according to
activity level, their level of participation and their knowledge in
terms of
possibilities of data abuse.
the winner’s
podium: Andreas Sackl, graduated student at the university of Vienna,
with his poster “Three Different Designs of Type Ranking-Questions”. His study affords an
assessment of the designs and a contribution to the actual usability
in online surveys.
This year there was also an exceptional
price awarded
by Globalpark. Rik Koekenbier et al. have won the price with their
poster “The STI outpatient clinic online - The use and
of a full-scale STI & HIV testing applications
online”. The
survey explored the usability of a new national testing and prevention
GOR 09: SPIEGEL-Verlag and
YouGovPsychonomics have won the "Best Practice Award"
Manouchehri (SPIEGEL-Verlag) and Henner Förstel
(YouGovPsychonomics) have won
the prize for the best paper from market research which was awarded for
the second
time. Their paper "Online Streaming-Ads" pleased the jury as well as
the audience. The "Best Practice Award" was sponsored by respondi.
The other five entries which also made
informative and enjoyable sessions possible came from: Stefan Althoff
(Lufthansa Technik), André Linden (S.A.Groupe Ferrero,
Belgium) and Judith Heibter (Dialego), Dr. Martin Einhorn, Dr. Thomas
Klein Reesink and Dr. Michael
Löffler (Porsche),
Dr. Isabel Paar and Dr. Julia Urbahn (Swisscom) as well as
from Henner Förstel (YouGovPsychonomics).
Successful premiere: "Best
Thesis Award"
The DGOF is
happy to announce that two outstanding scientists have won the
“Best Thesis
Award”: Dr. Vera Toepoel (CentERdata) has won with
her thesis “A Closer Look at Web Questionnaire
Design”. The dissertation has a
closer look at the growing amount of literature that suggests that the
of the survey instrument (visual cues, sample characteristics, etc.)
plays an
important role in the success of a survey.
J. Roselyn
Lee (Stanford
has won with her thesis “A Threat on the Net:
Stereotype Threat in Avatar-Represented Online Groups”. The
investigates how psychological threats associated with social
categories such
as gender and race play out in computer-mediated group settings.
All addresses at a glance:
Conference/Exhibition/Workshops: University of Vienna, Main Building,
Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Vienna.
Early Bird Meeting: 10er
Marie, Ottakringerstr. 222-224, 1060 Vienna (How to get
there: Tube U3, Station "Ottakring").
Party: Moulin Rouge
Vienna, Walfischgasse 11, 1010 Vienna (How to get there: Tube
U2, Station "Karlsplatz").
Your travel
Still looking for a hotel? Our local partners provide
you with a selection
of hotels.
Moreover our sponsor Austrian Airlines offers you a discount
of 15 % on all applicable fares: Further
information .
GOR 09: Information for
exhibitors and sponsors online
GOR 09 traditionally offers companies different forms of
participation. The University of Vienna provides excellent
possibilities. Thus, we are pleased to publish the new information
for exhibitors and sponsors. The exhibition zone cound be
found here.
DGOF prize "Best Research
Thesis Award"
Lively interest: 35 junior scientists from Europe, USA,
Asia and Australia have submitted their thesis. The DGOF prize is
awarded for the first time and will decorate the most exceptional
analysis of a specific issue in the area of internet research. The
prize has a value of 3000,- Euros. An international jury will choose
the winner who will present her/his findings at GOR 09 in Vienna and
receive the opportunity to publish the thesis in the book series "Neue
Schriften zur Online-Forschung".Further
Best Practice Award
We are looking for the best case studies! After the very
successful premiere at GOR 08 the prize for "best paper from market
research" will be awarded for the second time. Submit your paper and
let the jury and audience vote. Case studies can be submitted via mail:
GOR 09: Call for Papers
Please download the complete CfP here: CfP
GOR 09 [PDF]
Please note the new deadline: Nov 09th, 2008!
GOR 08: Photo-Flashback
Do you want to receive an impression of the conference
in Hamburg? Have a look at what the DGOF, the key sponsor EARSandEYES
and further sponsors and exhibitors have created? Or do you wonder whom
you have talked to at the Dialego-Party at the Reeperbahn or at the
Interrogare-Catering? Our photographic
retrospection provides you with answers!
GOR 08: Comdirect wins
"Best Practice Award"
Sothmann and Olde Lorenzen-Schmidt (comdirect AG) have won the prize
for best paper from market research which was awarded for the first
time. Their paper "Lead Optimized Request Processes within A/B-Test"
pleased the jury as well as the audience. The "Best Practice Award" was
sponsored by ODC Services and presented in association with Compact,
the magazine for market research and consulting within W&V. The
live voting was sponsored by mobiTED.
other six entries which also made the informative and enjoyable
sessions possible came from: Stefan Althoff (Lufthansa Technik AG),
Claudia Brözel & Dr. Dirk Schmücker
(, Andera Gadeib (Dialego AG) & Catherine Genter
(Moët Hennessy), Kai Raudzus (Lufthansa Technik), Soreen
Schroll (Lufthansa Technik), Julia Urbahn (Swisscom AG).
of the "Best Practice Sessions".
GOR 08: Poster Award
Joachim Schroer and Guido Hertel from the University of
Wuerzburg have won the traditional "Poster Award" which was sponsored
by psyma. Their poster "Voluntary Engagement in an Open Web-based
Encyclopedia: From Reading to Contributing" explores why Wikipedia
readers would start to actively engage for Wikipedia. The authors
state: "Results revealed perceptions of costs-benefits, expected task
enjoyment, and perceived instrumentality of personal contributions as
main predictors of the intention to contribute. Active contributions 6
months later depended predominantly on costs-benefits and
instrumentality perceptions, typically triggered by incomplete or
incorrect Wikipedia articles in one's own field of expertise." The
poster can be downloaded in our Conftool.