What is DGOF?
DGOF co-hosts the German Online Research Conferences (GOR) and supports activities that ...

German site

Information for exhibitors and sponsors

GOR is the only international symposium worldwide bringing together practitioners and researchers in the field of internet research.

The 9th international conference GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH 2007 (GOR 07) will take place in Leipzig, Germany from 26st until 28nd of March 2007. 



German Society for Online-Research - D.G.O.F. e.V.

local organizers :

Prof. Dr. M. Haller (chair of journalism I, University Leipzig)
Prof. Dr. G. Heyer (chair for practical computer science, University Leipzig)
Dr. M. Welker (DGOF chairman, University Leipzig)

The conference facility is sponsored by the Medienstiftung of the Sparkasse Leipzig.

Media partner of the GOR 07 is the magazin Research&Results- interesting and current reporting pre-, while and after the GOR is thereby guaranteed.

GOR 07 supports the discussion of innovative developments and practical experiences in the fields of internet, online, and mobile communications research. GOR 07 improves the exchange of knowledge between researchers and practitioners, universities and companies engaged in Internet research.

GOR 07 basically offers companies and institutions the following forms of

•Exhibition stand (with additional options for exhibitors).
•Supplement to conference folder.
•Ad in the programme.
•Ad in the reader of abstracts.
•Several forms of sponsoring.

Download Information:

Briefing for exhibitors and sponsors

Exhibition zone

As exhibitor you are responsible for the organization, as well as the setting up the exhibition stand. Please inform yourself in time about the options available!

This page is constantly beeing updated- please visit us again soon!

Business-activities and questions: office@dgof.de


Local organizer

Media partner

With kind support