General Online Research 2005



  Session 13 - Response Rates in Online Surveys II (Rücklaufquoten und Effizienz in Online-Surveys II)

  Chair: Anja Göritz

A. Joinson, A. Woodley, U.-D. Reips
title: Personalization, authentication and self-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys
Titel: Wirkung zweier innovativer Incentivierungstechniken im Online Access Panel

J. Zajac
title: Persuasiveness on the Internet: Factors influencing participation in Web survey

L. Kaczmirek, W. Neubarth, M. Bosnjak
title: Progress indicators in filter based surveys. Individual and dynamic calculation methods

K. Lozar Manfreda, M. Bosnjak, I. Haas
title: Web survey response rates compared to other modes - A meta-analysis