Welcome to GOR '05 - International Conference on March 21-23, 2005 in Zurich, Switzerland

The 7th international conference GLOBAL ONLINE RESEARCH 2005 (GOR05) will take place in Zurich from 22nd until 23rd of March 2005.

GOR05 supports the discussion of innovative developments and practical experiences in the fields of Internet, online, and mobile communications research. GOR05 improves the exchange of knowledge between academics and practitioners, universities and companies engaged in Internet research.

There will be about 400 visitors from all over the world attending the conference. Over the two conference days more than 100 lectures about academic or applied topics will be given. Based on information from delegates of former GOR conferences we expect over 40 percent of the visitors to be marketing research decision makers .

The conference is organized by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF e.V.) in collaboration with the chair of Social and Business Psychology, Prof. Dr. Klaus Jonas, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich.

Call for Papers

We are asking academics and practitioners to contribute articles (lectures or poster presentations) to GOR05.
An extensive version of the call for papers can be found here. There you will also find all details about the formal requirements for your article.
Articles can be filed via this link.

Deadline for paper submissions: 30th of September 2004

Benefits for Authors

  • Contributions to GOR05 (no matter whether lectures or poster presentations) are respected as publications by the scientific community.
  • Every article will be published in the GOR05 reader of abstracts.
  • Selected articles will be published in a conference reader (book) proceeding the conference.
  • As an author you will be given the opportunity to present your methodological approach and results to colleagues deeply involved , and to discuss it in a constructive way.
  • As the first author your conference fee is at a reduced price (EUR 80,-) or,
    • 68 EUR as an early registrant or
    • 64 EUR as a member of DGOF.
  • As an author of a poster you will have the chance to win the poster award. The best poster will be awarded by an independent jury and will be given the prize of EUR 500,-.


In case of questions please contact the organizers:   gororga05@dgof.de

D.G.O.F. Home

 Call for Papers
 paper submission
 hotel informations
 travel information

 conference program
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