Workshops during the German Online Research 04

1.) title of the workshop:
The Analysis of Online Groups: Topics, findings, techniques, and applications

2.) duration of the workshop:
90 minutes

3.) workshop fees:
40 resp. 20 Euro

4.) target groups:
academics, internet-professionals, and students who empirically want to investigate online groups

5.) Is the workshop prepared for an exclusively German language or an international audience?
international audience

6.) workshop language:
English/German depending on the audience

7.) Description of the content of the workshop:
The course will give a systematic introduction into empirical findings concerning online groups. Concepts, theories, findings, and topics of research are presented and critically discussed.

In a next step, methods for empirical studies of online groups are presented. During the planning and conduction of empirical studies has to distinguish between

- types of online groups,
- the kinds of question one wants to answer,
- study designs,
- methods of data collection, and
- methods of data analysis.

Small analyses of online groups will be conducted during the course with the help of prepared data material. The opportunities and limitations for research on online groups will be made clear.

8.) goals of the workshop:
After the course the participant will be able

1. to develop meaningful questions for analyses of online groups
2. to plan empirical studies for the analysis of important characteristics of online groups in accordance with standard academic criteria for empirical social research
3. to assess how empirical studies of online groups will be organized and -depending on the pre-knowledge- to conduct or to supervise such a study

9.) necessary previous knowledge:
basic knowledge about empirical research and about online groups

10.) literature that has to be read for participation:

11.) additional literature

  • Bortz, Jürgen & Döring, Nicola (2002). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenchaftler (3., überarbeitete Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.
  • Döring, Nicola (2003). Sozialpsychologie des Internet. Die Bedeutung des Internet für Kommunikationsprozesse, Identitäten, soziale Beziehungen und Gruppen (2., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl.). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

    12.) information about the workshop organizer:
    Dr. Nicola Döring is a Deputy Professor for Methods of empirical social research and statistics at the Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Germany). Her research includes social aspects of online and mobile communication, learning and teaching with new media, and evaluation research:

    13.) email address for registration of participants: +


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