Directions and Map

the nearest airport is the international airport Duesseldorf. From there it takes about 15 minutes by train to central station Duisburg. There you have to take a street car nr 901 direction Muelheim (about 5 minutes) or you have to walk (about 15 minutes). The street car station where you have to leave is called "university".

The conference takes place at the campus Duisburg (Lotharstr.1, corner Mülheimerstr.).

Conference address:
University Duisburg-Essen
Campus Duisburg
Building MD Lotharstraße 1
D-47057 Duisburg

Map (printverson pdf-file)

Campus Map (printversion pdf-file)

Should you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Phone +49-203-379-3662 (office GOR 04)
Phone +49-203-379-2532 (Prof. Faulbaum)

fax +49-203-379-4350

email: (office GOR 04)
email: (Prof. Faulbaum)

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