Blog Archives

“Wir sollten interdisziplinäre Teams bilden, um Fachwissen zu teilen”

Ein Artikel von Bettina Sonnenschein ( GOR 2025: “Wir sollten interdisziplinäre Teams bilden, um Fachwissen zu teilen” – planung&analyse) Ob zukünftige KI-Modelle fair, vertrauenswürdig und im Einklang mit den Interessen der Öffentlichkeit stehen, wird zum Teil auch davon abhängen, wie hochwertig die

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Posted in GOR 25, News

GOR 24: Second Keynote speaker confirmed

We are happy to announce the second keynote speaker of GOR 24: Dr. Martin Andree (AMP Digital Ventures, Germany & University of Cologne, Germany) is going to speak about Digital monopolies: How Big Tech stole the internet – and how

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Posted in GOR 24, News

GOR 24: First Keynote Speaker Confirmed

The first keynote speaker of GOR 24 has been confirmed: Professor Annette Jäckle from the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex is going to give a keynote speech at the 26th General Online Research Conference (21

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Posted in GOR 24, News

GOR 22: Second Keynote Speaker Announced

The second keynote speaker for the GOR 22 conference is confirmed: We are happy that Susan Shaw, Managing Director at GIM Suisse AG, is going to give a talk at HTW Berlin in September. After receiving a degree in history, linguistics,

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Posted in GOR 22, News

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