More than 120 submisssions for GOR 14

After the end of the submission deadlines for Tracks A, C, D and GOR Thesis competition we are happy to announce that we have received more than 120 submissions for GOR 14 so far.

Until the end of the month the more than 80 members of the International Board of online researchers will review all submissions handed in. A complete list of the International Board members can be found here. Based on their reviews the GOR 14 program committee consiting of

Dr. Lars Kaczmirek, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences and DGOF board, program chair
Dr. Dorothée Behr, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Track A
Dr. Sascha Friesike, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Track D
Prof. Dr. Simone Fühles-Ubach, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Poster and GOR Poster Award 2014 competition
Prof. Horst Müller-Peters,, Track B
Oliver Tabino, Q Agentur für Forschung, linkfluence and DGOF board, Track C
Dr. Monika Taddicken, University of Hamburg and DGOF board, GOR Thesis Award 2014 competition
Alexandra Wachenfeld, LINK Institut and DGOF board, GOR Best Practice Award 2014 competition

will decide on the program. The preliminary conference programme will be published on the conference website shortly before Christmas.

Anyone still looking for a possibility to hand in their research for GOR 14 can either submit a poster until 24 Januar 2014 or take part in the GOR Best Practice Award 2014 competition. The deadline for the contest is 15 December 2013. More infos can be found here.

Posted in GOR 14, News

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