GOR Award Ceremony 2021

The GOR Best Practice Award 2021 goes to Beat Fischer & Peter Moser for their project

“Mobility Monitoring COVID-19 in Switzerland 

The GOR Poster Award 2021 goes to Tobias Rettig, Bella Struminskaya & Annelies Blom for their poster

“Memory Effects in Online Panel Surveys: Investigating Respondents’ Ability to Recall Responses from a Previous Panel Wave“

The GOR Thesis Award 2021 goes to Shivangi Aneja for her Masterthesis

“Generalized Zero and Few Shot Transfer for Facial Forgery Detection”


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Winner of the GOR Best Practice Award announced

The winner of this year’s GOR Best Practice Award was announced on 09 September 2021. The Best Practice Award is an integral part of the GOR programme and has been awarded annually since 2008.

The announcement of the winners traditionally took place at the (this time virtual) GOR Party. Six contributions about case studies in which online research methods were successfully used in companies were nominated.

The jury, chaired by Bengül Robillard (respondi AG), decided on the following contribution, taking into account the audience vote:

“Mobility Monitoring COVID-19 in Switzerland” by Beat Fischer (intervista AG, Schweiz) and Peter Moser (Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich, Schweiz)

On the second day of the GOR, Friday, 10 September 2021, the official Award Ceremony will take place, where the GOR Best Practice Award, the GOR Poster Award, the GOR Thesis Award and the DGOF Best Paper Award will be presented.

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Conference platform is ready

For those who registered for the GOR 21 conference the platform is open now! Information about the login procedure have been send via email today.

Please log in using the email address that this email was sent to at https://dgof.scoocs.co/login. Click on the “Check-in” button to generate a password.

If you also attended GOR 20, you can log in with your password from last year. In case you don´t remember the password, please click on “Forgot your password?” and follow the steps to get a new one.

For the best performance of the conference platform, please use Google Chrome!

After you have logged in, you will see a short tutorial on how to use the conference platform.

Enjoy GOR 21! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

If you have issues logging in or any further questions regarding the conference, please contact us at programme@gor.de.

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Out now: GOR 21 Conference Proceedings!

We are happy to present the GOR 21 conference proceedings today. It includes detailed information about the conference, the awards and all abstracts! You can download it here.

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2nd Keynote Speaker for GOR 21 is set

Impressum – SPIEGEL ONLINE/ Christina Elmer

We are happy to announce the second keynote speaker of GOR 21.  Christina Elmer is Deputy Head of Development at Der Spiegel.

The title of her keynote is “Analytics at its Limit: How the Pandemic Challenges Data Journalism, Forces New Formats and Reveals Blind Spots”.

Posted in GOR 21, News

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