Keynote speaker GOR 21

We are happy to announce our first GOR 21 keynote speaker: Mirta Galesic. She is is Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, Austria, and Associate Researcher at the Harding Center for Risk Literacy at the University of Potsdam, Germany.

The title of her keynote is “Election polling is not dead: Forecasts can be improved using wisdom-of-crowds questions”.

Posted in GOR 21, News

GOR 21: Call for Papers online now!

Today we have published the call for papers for our General Online Research Conference 2021 (GOR 21) taking place from 8 to 10 September 2021.

Next year’s conference seeks submissions in:

  • Survey Research: Advancements in Online and Mobile Web Surveys (Track A)
  • Data Science: From Big Data to Smart Data (Track B)
  • Politics, Public Opinion, and Communication (Track C)

Deadlines for abstract submission:

  • 12 March 2021 (Tracks A, B, C, and GOR Thesis Award 2021 competition),
  • 5 April 2021 (GOR Best Practice Award 2021 competition) and
  • 24 May 2021 (Posters and GOR Poster Award 2021 competition)

We look forward to receiving your submissions via the GOR 21 ConfTool at
Please find the complete call for papers here.

Posted in GOR 21, News

SMIF special issue is online now!

Have a look at the current state of online and mobile survey methods – the SMIF special issue “Advancements in Online and Mobile Survey Methods” is online now:

Special thanks to our GOR20 authors who made this publication possible!

Posted in News

GOR 21 – Save the Date!

The 23rd General Online Research Conference GOR 21 will take place from Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 September 2021.

Save the date and join us for a friendly, valuable and inspiring event which is a must for everyone involved in online research!

Posted in News

GOR 20 YouTube Channel

Have you missed GOR 20 or certain presentation? Have a look at our new GOR 20 YouTube Channel!

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