Relevance & Research Question: In 1981, Sherwin Rosen theorized that some
markets, that are showing extreme inequalities in their distributions of income, do this
due to technologies allowing joint consumption and due to poor substitutabilities of
high-quality services by low-quality services. In 2021, artificial intelligence allows us to
investigate if this theory also applies to online-communication and if the reasons for
inequality are the ones described by Rosen. The research question of the present
article is therefore twofold: In a first part we will check if the superstar-phenomen is
also present digitally. In a second step we will see if the reaons for the existence of
the superstar-effect Rosen has given can be confirmed.
Methods & Data: Using a big data-technology called „Social Listening“, roughly 30
million text fragments regarding more than 5,000 german companies were collected
online. Using artificial intelligence, this data was categorized into different event types
and different tonalities (negative, neutral, positive). Gini coefficients as measures of
concentration were then used to get an overview of the inequalites of online-
communication. After that regression analysis was conducted to find evidence to
support or disprove Rosen’s theory.
Results: The data quite clearly show that online-communication is characterized by
quite strong inequalities. This statement is valid for the total number of fragments, all
five topics that are discussed and all tonalities (corrected Gini-coefficient > 0,9). Also,
there is limited evidence supporting Rosen’s theory of superstars (in particular his
explanation for the reasons of superstardom) in the world of online-communication.
Added Value: The results are important for market researchers and marketing
managers as they show the strength of superstardom in online communication. They
also somewhat show the validity and to some degree the limitations of Rosen’s theory.
In addition to that, the study can serve as an example of how big data can be used to
empirically verify the validity of theoretical work. It also hints at the fact that the debate
about the meaning of extreme inequalities of online-communication still needs to be