Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 10/Sep/2020
10:00 Track A: Survey Research: Advancements in Online and Mobile Web Surveys
Track B: Data Science: From Big Data to Smart Data
Track C: Politics, Public Opinion, and Communication
Track D: Digital Methods in Applied Research
Track T: GOR Thesis Award 2020
GOR 20 Conference Kick-off
A 1: Smartphones in Surveys
Chair: Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The

Effects of mobile assessment designs on participation and compliance: Experimental and meta-analytic evidence

David Richter1, Cornelia Wrzus2

1: DIW Berlin, Germany; 2: University of Heidelberg, Germany

Using geofences to trigger surveys in an app

Georg-Christoph Haas1,2, Mark Trappmann1,4, Florian Keusch2, Sebastian Bähr1, Frauke Kreuter1,2,3

1: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (IAB), Germany; 2: University of Mannheim, Germany; 3: University of Maryland, United States of America; 4: University of Bamberg, Germany

Mobile friendly design in web survey: Increasing user convenience or additional error sources?

Jean Philippe Decieux1, Philipp Emanuel Sischka2

1: University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; 2: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

B 1: Digital Trace Data
Chair: Florian Keusch, University of Mannheim, Germany

Can social media data complement traditional survey data? A reflexion matrix to evaluate their relevance for the study of public opinion

Maud Reveilhac, Stephanie Steinmetz, Davide Morselli

Lausanne University, Switzerland

Using Facebook & Instagram to Recruit LGBTQ for Web Survey Research

Simon Kühne

Bielefeld University, Germany

Some like it old

Clemens Rathe, François Erner

respondi, Germany & France

C 1: News Consumption and Preferences
Chair: Simon Munzert, Hertie School, Germany

Data privacy and public data: New theory and empirical evidence

Nicholas Biddle

Australian National University, Australia

What you read is who you support? Online news consumption and political preferences

Ruben Bach1, Denis Bonnay2, Christoph Kern1

1: University of Mannheim, Germany; 2: respondi, Université Paris Nanterre, France

How do news and events impact climate anxiety and how are people reacting?

Jhanidya Bermeo

Brandwatch, Germany

D 1: GOR Best Practice Award 2020 Competition I
Chair: Otto Hellwig, respondi AG & DGOF, Germany
Chair: Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell, GIM & DGOF, Germany

How to better uncover emotions in early-stage innovation research

Julia Görnandt1, Sofia Jorman2

1: SKIM; 2: Johnson & Johnson

Chilling with VR – A Case Study with H/T/P, Electrolux and Vobling. How the interplay between classical qualitative and VR generated efficiencies and effectiveness

Katrin Krüger1, Jessica Adel2

1: Happy Thinking People, Germany; 2: Electrolux AB Europe, Sweden

Measuring the Incrementality of Marketing Online and Offline on Non-Experimental Data

Daniel Althaus1, Thies Jarms1, Ralf Schweitzer2

1: Neustar GmbH, Germany; 2: Media-Saturn Marketing GmbH, Germany

T1: GOR Thesis Award 2020 Competition I
Chair: Frederik Funke, Dr. Funke SPSS- & R-Trainings & LimeSurvey GmbH, Germany

Using Artificial Neural Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Laptop Reviews

Sonja Rebekka Weißmann

Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Data Sharing for the Public Good? A Factorial Survey Experiment on Contextual Privacy Norms

Frederic Gerdon

University of Mannheim, Germany

A 2: Motivation and Participation
Chair: Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The

Do previous survey experience and being motivated to participate by an incentive affect response quality? Evidence from the CRONOS panel

Hannah Schwarz1, Melanie Revilla1, Bella Struminskaya2

1: Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Spain; 2: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Moderators of response rates in psychological online surveys over time. A meta-analysis

Tanja Burgard1, Nadine Wedderhoff1,2, Michael Bosnjak1,2

1: ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information, Germany; 2: University of Trier, Germany

We’re only in it for the money: are incentives enough to compensate poor motivation?

Valentin Brunel, Blazej Palat

Sciences Po, France

Should I stay or should I go? - Why do participants remain active in market research communities?

Ruth Anna Wakenhut, Jaqueline Fürwitt, Sophie Vogt


B 2: Turning Unstructured (Survey) Data into Insight with Machine Learning
Chair: Stefan Oglesby, data IQ AG, Switzerland

Huge and extremely deep language models for verbatim coding at human level accuracy

Pascal de Buren

Caplena GmbH, Switzerland

A Framework for Predicting Mentoring Needs in Digital Learning Environments

Cathleen M. Stuetzer1, Ralf Klamma2, Milos Kravcik3

1: TU Dresden, Germany; 2: RWTH Aachen, Germany; 3: DFKI - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Berlin, Germany

Using AI for a better Customer Understanding

Stefan Reiser1, Steffen Schmidt1, Frank Buckler2

1: LINK Institut, Switzerland; 2: Success Drivers, Germany

Read my hips. How t9 address AI transcription issues

André Lang1, Stephan Müller1, Holger Lütters2, Malte Friedrich-Freksa3

1: Insius, Germany; 2: HTW Berlin, Germany; 3: GapFish GmbH, Germany

C 2: Hate Speech and Fake News
Chair: Pirmin Stöckle, University of Mannheim, Germany

Building Trust in Fake Sources: An Experiment

Paul C. Bauer1, Bernhard Clemm von Hohenberg2

1: MZES Mannheim, Germany; 2: European University Institute, Italy

Social Media and the Disruption of Democracy

Jennifer Roberton1, Matt Browne2, François Erner1

1: respondi; 2: Global Progress

What Should We Be Allowed to Post? Citizens’ Preferences for Online Hate Speech Regulation

Simon Munzert1, Richard Traunmüller2, Andrew Guess3, Pablo Barbera4, JungHwan Yang5

1: Hertie School of Governance, Germany; 2: University of Frankfurt, Germany; 3: Princeton University, United States of America; 4: USC, United States of America; 5: UIUC, United States of America

D 2: GOR Best Practice Award 2020 Competition II
Chair: Otto Hellwig, respondi AG & DGOF, Germany
Chair: Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell, GIM & DGOF, Germany

Significant improvement of relevant KPIs with optimization of the programmatic modulation

Silke Moser1, Frank Goldberg2

1: GIM Gesellschaft fuer Innovative Marktforschung mbH, Germany; 2: DMI Digital Media Institute GmbH, Germany

Appetite for Destruction: The Case of McDonald’s Evidence-based Menu Simplification

Steffen Schmidt1, Marius Truttmann2, Philipp Fessler1, Severine Caspard2

1: LINK Institut, Switzerland; 2: McDonald's Suisse, Switzerland

T2: GOR Thesis Award 2020 Competition II
Chair: Frederik Funke, Dr. Funke SPSS- & R-Trainings & LimeSurvey GmbH, Germany

The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Platforms and Participation in Contemporary Politics

Michael Joseph Bossetta

Lund University, Sweden

Optimizing measurement in Internet-based research: Response scales and sensor data

Tim Kuhlmann

Universität Siegen, Germany

P 1.1: Poster I

Reproducible and dynamic meta-analyses with PsychOpen CAMA

Tanja Burgard, Robert Studtrucker, Michael Bosnjak

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information, Germany

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) Revised: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Higher Education Graduates in Germany

Thorsten Euler, Ulrike Schwabe, Nadin Kastirke, Isabelle Fiedler, Swetlana Sudheimer

German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Germany

„Magic methods“, bigger data and AI - Do they endager quality criteria in online surveys?

Stephanie Gaaw, Cathleen M. Stuetzer, Stephanie Hartmann, Johannes Winter

Technical University Dresden, Germany

Semi-automation of qualitative content analysis based on online research

Annette Hoxtell

HWTK University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Four-Dimensional Measure of Socially Desirable Responding

Rebekka Kluge1, Maximilian Etzel1, Joseph Walter Sakshaug2, Henning Silber1

1: GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 2: Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany

P 1.2: Poster II

Associations in Probability-Based and Nonprobability Online Panels: Evidence on Bivariate and Multivariate Analyses

Carina Cornesse, Tobias Rettig, Annelies Blom

University of Mannheim, Germany

Semiautomatic dictionary-based classification of environment tweets by topic

Michela Cameletti2, Stephan Schlosser1, Daniele Toninelli2, Silvia Fabris2

1: University of Göttingen, Germany; 2: University of Bergamo, Italy

What is the measurement quality of questions on environmental attitudes and supernatural beliefs in the GESIS Panel?

Hannah Schwarz1, Wiebke Weber1, Isabella Minderop2, Bernd Weiß2

1: Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Spain; 2: GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Open Lab: a web application for conducting and sharing online-experiments

Yury Shevchenko1, Felix Henninger2

1: University of Konstanz, Germany; 2: University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Using Nonprobability Web Surveys As Informative Priors in Bayesian Inference

Joseph Sakshaug1,2,3

1: Institute for Employment Research, Germany; 2: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; 3: University of Mannheim, Germany

P 1.3: Poster III

A Theoretical Model for Trust in Digital Information Systems

Meinald T. Thielsch, Sarah M. Meeßen, Guido Hertel

University of Münster, Germany

Factors Influencing the Perception of Relevant Competencies in the Digitalized Working World

Swetlana Franken, Malte Wattenberg

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany

How to regionalize survey data with microgeographic data

Barbara Wawrzyniak, Julia Kroth

Infas360 GmbH, Germany

"Like me": The impact of following prime ministerial candidates on social networks on perceived public agendas

Dana Weimann Saks, Vered Elishar Malka, Yaron Ariel, Ruth Avidar

Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel

Social-media based research: the influence of motivation and satisficing on empirical results

Daniela Wetzelhütter1, Dimitri Prandner2, Sebastian Martin1

1: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria; 2: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

P 1.4: Poster IV

Data quality in ambulatory assessment studies: Investigating the role of participant burden and presentation form

Charlotte Ottenstein

University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Guess what I am doing? Identifying Physical Activities from Accelerometer data by Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Joris Mulder, Natalia Kieruj, Pradeep Kumar, Seyit Hocuk

CentERdata - Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Embedding Citizen Surveys in Effective Local Participation Strategies

Fabian Lauterbach, Marc Schaefer

wer denkt was GmbH, Germany

Cognitive load in multi device web surveys - Disentangling the mobile device effect

Ellen Laupper, Lars Balzer

Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training SFIVET, Switzerland

Assessing Panel Conditioning in the GESIS Panel: Comparing Novice and Experienced Respondents

Fabienne Kraemer1, Joanna Koßmann2, Michael Bosnjak2, Henning Silber1, Bella Struminskaya3, Bernd Weiß1

1: GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 2: ZPID - Leibniz-Institute for Psychology Information, Germany; 3: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

P 1.5: Poster V

Indirect questioning techniques: An effective means to increase the validity of online surveys

Adrian Hoffmann, Julia Meisters, Jochen Musch

University of Duesseldorf, Germany

Gender Differences Regarding the Perception of Artificial Intelligence

Swetlana Franken, Nina Mauritz, Malte Wattenberg

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany

“Weather and timing is to blame - additional influences towards data quality in social media research”

Daniela Wetzelhütter1, Sebastian Martin1, Birgit Grüb2

1: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria; 2: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Are you willing to donate? Relationship between perceived website design and willingness to donate

Louisa Küchler, Guido Hertel, Meinald Thielsch

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

Keynote 1

Market Research Blends with AI and Analytics – “Market Research Digital Transformation”

Patricio Pagani

The Black Puma Ai, Argentine Republic

A 3.1: New Technologies in Surveys
Chair: Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The

Effects of the Self-View Window during Videomediated Survey Interviews: An Eye-tracking Study

Shelley Feuer1, Michael F. Schober2

1: U.S. Census Bureau, United States of America; 2: The New School for Social Research, United States of America

Measuring expenditure with a mobile app: How do nonprobability and probability panels compare?

Carina Cornesse1, Annette Jäckle2, Alexander Wenz1,2, Mick Couper3

1: University of Mannheim, Germany; 2: University of Essex, United Kingdom; 3: University of Michigan, United States of America

Are respondents on the move when filling out a mobile web survey? Evidence from an app- and browser-based survey of the general population

Jessica Herzing1, Caroline Roberts1, Daniel Gatica-Perez2

1: Université de Lausanne, Switzerland; 2: EPFL and Idiap, Switzerland

A 3.2: Scales and Questions
Chair: Florian Keusch, University of Mannheim, Germany

Measuring income (in)equality: comparing questions with unipolar and bipolar scales in a probability-based online panel

Jan Karem Höhne1,2, Dagmar Krebs3, Steffen Kühnel4

1: University of Mannheim, Germany; 2: RECSM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain; 3: University of Gießen, Germany; 4: University of Göttingen, Germany

Designing Grid Questions in Smartphone Surveys: A Review of Current Practice and Data Quality Implications

Gregor Čehovin, Nejc Berzelak

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The effects of forced choice, soft prompt and no prompt option on data quality in web surveys - Results of a methodological experiment

Johannes Lemcke, Stefan Albrecht, Sophie Schertell, Matthias Wetzstein

Robert Koch Institut, Germany

B 3: Smartphone and Sensors as Research Tools
Chair: Stefan Oglesby, data IQ AG, Switzerland

How does (work related) smartphone usage correlate with levels of exhaustion

Georg-Christoph Haas1,2, Sabine Sonnentag2, Frauke Kreuter1,2,3

1: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (IAB), Germany; 2: University of Mannheim, Germany; 3: University of Maryland, United States of America

The quality of measurements in a smartphone-app to measure travel behaviour for a probability sample of people from the Netherlands

Peter Lugtig1, Danielle Mccool1,2, Barry Schouten2,1

1: Utrecht University, The Netherlands; 2: Statistics Netherlands, The Netherlands

Data privacy concerns as a source of resistance to participate in surveys using a smartphone app

Caroline Roberts1,2, Jessica Herzing1,2, Daniel Gatica-Perez3,4

1: University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2: FORS, Switzerland; 3: EPFL, Switzerland; 4: Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland

C 3: Campaigning and Social Media
Chair: Pirmin Stöckle, University of Mannheim, Germany

Cross-Platform Social Media Campaigning: Comparing Strategic Political Messaging across Facebook and Twitter in the 2016 US Election

Michael Bossetta1, Jennifer Stromer-Galley2, Jeff Hemsley2

1: Lund University, Sweden; 2: Syracuse University, United States of America

No need to constantly innovate: Interesting lessons from two election campaigns within a year

Yaron Ariel, Dana Weimann-Saks, Vered Elishar Malka

Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel

The Sequencing Method: Analyzing Election Campaigns with Prediction Markets

Oliver Strijbis

University of Zurich, Switzerland

D 3: GOR Best Practice Award 2020 Competition III
Chair: Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell, GIM & DGOF, Germany
Chair: Otto Hellwig, respondi AG & DGOF, Germany

The presentations in this session will be in German.

Beyond the Real Voice of the Customer: Emotion measurement with Artificial Intelligence in advertising research

Malte Freksa1, Sandra Vitt2, Holger Lütters3, Dima Feller4, Kim Rogers1

1: GapFish GmbH, Germany; 2: RTL Mediengruppe, Germany; 3: HTW Berlin, Germany; 4: Pangea Labs, Germany

Monetization of customer value in the rail business: Improving yield, revenues and customer relationship at the same time is possible - the case of WESTbahn in Austria

Andreas Krämer1,2, Gerd Wilger2, Thomas Posch3

1: University of Applied Sciences Europe, Germany; 2: exeo Strategic Consulting AG, Germany; 3: WESTbahn Management GmbH, Austria

How to identify future trends in the automotive industry at an early stage of development by relying on access panel surveys?

Patrick Schlickmann1, Jim Walker1, Heiko Rother2, Hauke Witting2

1: SKOPOS GmbH & Co. KG, Germany; 2: Asahi Kasei Europe GmbH, Germany

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