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GOR 22 Extended Deadline until 28 November 2021

The German Society for Online Research (DGOF) has extended the submission deadline for the General Online Research GOR 22 conference tracks until Sunday, 28 November 2021 11.59 p.m. The new deadline applies to submissions for Online and Mobile Survey Research

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Call for Papers: “Innovation in Practice”, GOR Track D

We invite you to submit a contribution to the session “Innovation in Practice” at GOR 22. Relevant are case studies and innovative developments from practice in areas such as ResearchTech, insight platforms, artificial intelligence, text analytics, automation or neuromarketing, as

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Call for Papers: GOR Best Practice Award 2022 Competition

The German Society for Online Research (DGOF) has been awarding the GOR Best Practice Award since 2008. DGOF has been presenting the GOR Best Practice Award at its annual General Online Research Conference (GOR) since 2008. At the upcoming GOR

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GOR 21 YouTube Playlist now online

The GOR 21 YouTube Playlist is now online and ready to explore! If you haven’t been to GOR 21 or if you weren’t able to catch all the presentations, you can now (re)watch them on our YouTube Channel, as many

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Call for Papers: GOR Thesis Award Competition 2022

Research TopicsAll submissions relevant to online research are welcome. Presentations in the past covered a broad range of topics, be it online surveys or research on the Internet as well as social aspects of the Web and experiences of the

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Support our goals and benefit from the DGOF network! As a member you also get the GOR ticket at a reduced membership rate. More information

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