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GOR Best Practice Award 2020 Short List published

We have published the short list for the GOR Best Practice Award 2020 today. The nominations: “Chilling with VR – A Case Study with H/T/P, Electrolux and Vobling. How the interplay between classical qualitative and VR generated efficiencies and effectiveness”

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Posted in GOR 20, News

PhD Workshop by DGPuK and DGOF: Submission deadline extended

DGOF extends the deadline for abstract submissions for the PhD Workshop by DGPuK and DGOF to Wednesday, 15  January 23.59 CET. In order to support young scientists in the field of online research and digital communication, a doctoral workshop jointly

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GOR Best Practice Award 2020: Submission deadline extended

DGOF extends the deadline for abstract submissions for the GOR Best Practice Award 2020 to Friday, 6 December 2019, 23.59 CET. Submit your abstract here. Please find more information on the tracks and submission procedure in the Call for Papers.

Posted in GOR 20, News

PhD Workshop by DGPuK and DGOF

In order to support young scientists in the field of online research and digital communication, a doctoral workshop jointly organized by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF) and the Division “Digital Communication” of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) will

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Submission deadline extended

Due to numerous requests DGOF extends the deadline for abstract submissions for tracks A (Survey Research: Advancements in Online and Mobile Web Surveys) B (Data Science: From Big Data to Smart Data) C (Politics, Public Opinion and Communication) and the

Posted in GOR 20, News

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