auf deutsch


GOR 99


28 + 29 Oktober 1999



German Society for Online Research - D.G.O.F. e.V.
Local Direction:
Nuremberg University (Department of Economic and Social Psychology)
This year's GOR Conference in Nuremberg (the third of its kind) will be presenting an overview of the current progress in online research and its outlook for the future, with particular attention to empirical findings.
Topical emphasis at the GOR '99 Conference will be placed upon: comparative analyses, evaluation studies and innovative developments in the following areas:
The main conference language is German. However, contributions in English are welcome!
An active contribution to the GOR Conference can either be a poster or an oral presentation. The best poster at GOR will be awarded with a cash prize.
Furthermore, GOR conference can also be used as a trade forum for introducing services and products (software) to GOR participants. The local organization team will be glad to inform of further details.

All submitted presentation proposals must be accompanied by abstracts. The proposals will be evaluated by the program committee.

Guidelines for the Registration of Contributions

The contributions will be reviewed by the program committee (Wolfgang Bandilla, Bernard Batinic, Michael Bosnjak, Lorenz Graef, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Andreas Werner).

Abstract Composition

  1. Title of the submitted contribution
  2. Type of contribution (talk or poster)
  3. Author(s)
  4. Primary author's contact address including postal address, telephone number, E-Mail, and URL
  5. Key words about contribution (maximum of 4)
  6. Abstract
Maximum length of abstract:
approximately one page with 65 characters per line
Please send abstracts to:
"Abstract" must be typed into the subject header. The aforementioned points 1 to 6 should be typed into the E-Mail body. Please use ASCII text only. The abstracts can either be written in English or in German.

Deadline for Abstracts: June 30, 1999

Participants will be informed of approval or rejection by 16th July 1999. Meanwhile, the interim schedule is available for viewing at the following URL:
To accompany the GOR, a preliminary proceedings volume of all contributions accepted as oral presentations is planned as a WWW version. All authors invited for talks should therefore hand in a written version of their contribution and include an abstract in the respective other language (between 3 and maximum 5 pages) by 1st October.


As of immediately, tickets can be registered at the following URL: or
Registration is compulsory for all participants (with or without contribution/talk).

Registration Fees

The registration fees include two lunches and drinks as well as the accompanying conference program. The prices are as follows:
 Non-Academic Participants  EUR 175,-  (ca. US$ 185) 
 University Staff  EUR 95,-  (ca. US$ 100) 
 Students  EUR 70,-  (ca. US$ 74) 
 Active Participants  EUR 35,-  (ca. US$ 37) 

The registration fees must be paid in full. In the case of foreign transactions: Any fees to be levied must be paid by the participant himself or herself.
Day passes will not be available at GOR '99.


30th June 1999Deadline for Proposals
16th July 1999Notice of Approval/Refusal to Contributors
20th July 1999Publication of the interim program
1st October 1999Deadline for written contributions to the WWW conference volume
28th/29th October 1999Conference in Nuremberg


Organization Committee

Wolfgang Bandilla <bandilla (at)>ZUMA Mannheim
Bernad Batinic<bernad.batinic (at)>Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Michael Bosnjak<bosnjak (at)>ZUMA Mannheim
Lorenz Gräf<Lorenz.Graef (at)>AG VIRTUS Evaluation (VERA) Köln
Klaus Moser Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Ulf-Dietrich Reips<ureips (at)>Universität Zürich
Andreas Werner<werner (at)>screen media consulting Mannheim


Contact Address of Local Organization Committee

Mailorga (at)
 bernad.batinic (at)
 0911/5302-259 (Secretary's Office)

University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Faculty of Economic and Social Psychology
Attn: GOR-99
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg

(c) GOR Team 1999.