Here you can find information concerning your submissions and conference registration:
Abstract | Awards | Code of Conduct | Contact | Dates | Discounts | Invoice | Location | Poster | Presentation | Refunds | Registration | Review procedure | Workshops |
If you want to submit your research for the GOR conference, this is what you have to do:
The official conference language is English, which means all abstracts have to be handed in written in English. Abstracts should be submitted online via the GOR 25 ConfTool until the deadline mentioned in the Call for Papers. The abstract length can be up to 350 words. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed with respect to the quality of each of the following four paragraphs in the abstract:
Relevance & Research Question: —your text here—
Methods & Data: —your text here—
Results: —your text here—
Added Value: —your text here—
Please use the above template for your abstract submission (one paragraph for each criteria and include the keywords at the beginning of each paragraph). Incomplete abstracts with respect to the formal criteria above are likely to be rejected. Please note that purely promotional presentations will not be considered. In case your research is still work in progress, and therefore final empirical results are not available at the time of submission, you will be asked to hand in your results later. In this case, please note in the comments field during submission at what date you will be able to update your abstract. Please note that we cannot accept presentations unless final results are available. The presentations at the conference can last up to 15 minutes each followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Please consider a poster presentation for work in progress.
There are different submission criteria for the GOR Thesis Award 2025 competition: Submissions here should include the thesis as PDF-file, an extended abstract (limited to 7000 characters (including spaces)), a cover letter written by the contestant with details on affiliation, degree programme, supervisors, graduation date and thesis grade, together with an agreement to present the results at the GOR conference. While the thesis itself might be in German all other submitted material has to be in English.
If your abstract has been accepted for the GOR conference, these are the things you have to do until 17 February 2025:
The abstract that you have submitted will appear in the exact same format in the abstracts reader. For this reason we kindly ask you to check your abstract and your personal details for the conference print-outs in the GOR 25 ConfTool. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for the accuracy of your abstract in form and content.
Please make sure the following details are correct:
a) Author(s): The name format has to comply with conventions mentioned in the ConfTool, e.g., Leon Festinger(1), Karl R. Popper(2), James Coleman(1,2).
b) Do not capitalize the entire title. Capitalize the first letter of significant words only, i.e. do not capitalize words such as and, to, of, in, etc. as mentioned in the information on your submission.
c) Do not use empty lines or double spaces within your abstract and title, e.g. at the end of our abstract.
d) To begin a new paragraph hit the RETURN key only once.
e) Do not provide author name, additional author information in the abstract field.
f) Check your spelling.
The abstract should follow a formal structure and the following keywords should be included in the abstract:
a) Relevance & Research Question: —your text here—
b) Methods & Data: —your text here—
c) Results: —your text here—
d) Added Value: —your text here—
a) Did you mention all of your co-authors?
b) Do you want to name their affiliation?
c) Do you want to publish their e-mail addresses?
d) Do you like to publish additional contact information of you and your co-authors (URLs, telephone numbers)?
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There are three awards being given out at the GOR conferences: Impact & Innovation Award 2025, GOR Thesis Award 2025 and GOR Poster Award. More information on awards from last year can be found here.
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Code of Conduct:
Please take note of the DGOF & GOR Code of Conduct – you can access it here.
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German Society for Online Research/
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung e.V. (DGOF)
Dr. Otto Hellwig (Chair of the DGOF board)
Prof. Dr. Bella Struminskay (Chair of the GOR 25 Programme Committee)
Prof. Dr. Simon Kühne (Vice Programme Chair)
Huhnsgasse 34b
50676 Cologne
phone: (+49) – (0)221 – 27 23 18 180
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The General Online Research (GOR 25) will take place from Monday 31 March to Wednesday, 02 April 2025.
- 15 November 2024: Paper Presentations, GOR Impact & Innovation Award 2025, GOR Thesis Award 2025 submissions, Session “Innovation in Practice” and workshops
- 24 January 2025: GOR Poster Award 2025
- 23 February 2025: Presenting author registration (usually the first author)
- 10 February 2025: Early bird registration & GOR Imapcat & Innovation Award, and Poster presenters registration (usually the first author)
- 17 February 2025: Revision of accepted conference abstracts
- 21 March 2025: Presentation slides and poster upload
- 31 March 2025: GOR 25 pre-conference day with workshops
- 01 April- 02 April 2025: GOR 25 conference days
DGOF members receive a discount on the conference fee. If your company is a corporate member of DGOF, you receive the member discount as well. If you are not sure whether your company is a member, please contact the DGOF office via before registering.
There is an early registration discount for anyone else registering by 10 February 2025. Please keep in mind that presenting authors have to be registered for the conference by that date as well as otherwise the inclusion of their presentation in the conference program cannot be guaranteed.
Together with your conference registration you can also book workshops you would like to attend on the pre-conference day. Please note that in order to be allowed to attend a workshop pre-registration is necessary.
More information on the conference fees for GOR 25 can be found here.
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After registering for conference attendance via the GOR 25 ConfTool you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration. This e-mail will also include a link to your invoice which you can then print out. We will not be sending you an invoice by post unless you specifically request one by contacting the DGOF office ( or call +49-(0)221 – 27 23 18 180). Alternatively you can download it as PDF file directly from your ConfTool-account. You can access it after log-in via the button “invoice”.
Please pay your conference fee within 7 days after registering (receipt of payment in our account).
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GOR 25 will be held at the
Posters offer a great opportunity to get in touch with people who share your research interests. Use this opportunity to explain your research! Start a conversation! Posters can be more effective than giving a talk. Abstracts for posters can be submitted until 24 January 2025 via the GOR 25 ConfTool.
If your poster has been accepted for the GOR conference, please register until 23 February 2025.
Your poster has to be uploaded via the GOR 25 ConfTool until then. This is how to do it:
a) Log-in and then upload your file by using the button “final upload”.
b) Name your file(s) as follows: lastname_firstname_Title_of_Presentation.
c) Use one of the formats: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pps, zip.
d) The maximum file size allowed is 22 MB.
The poster format for GOR in Berlin:
You need to bring a print-out of your poster to the conference to be displayed there in the poster exhibition. The format should be DIN A0 (84.10 cm x 118.90 cm) and upright.
The conference organizers at the registration desk will provide you with powerstrips/magnets so you can hang your poster in the designated area.
We suggest you bring additional handouts which include your contact details and the poster content.
Please note that if you do not upload your poster by 23 February 2025 you can still present your poster at the GOR conference, but might be excluded from the GOR 25 Poster Award competition.
If you wish to do a presentation at GOR 25 you can submit an abstract via the GOR 25 ConfTool.
Submissions for Paper Presentations, GOR Impact and Innovation Award 2025 competition, Thesis Award 2025 competition and the session Innovation in Practice can be made until 15 November 2024.
Submissions for the Best Thesis Award can be made until 08 November 2024.
If your presentation has been accepted for the GOR conference, you have to upload your presentation slides until 17 February 2025.
For your oral presentation the usual GOR guidelines apply:
a) Length max. 15 minutes plus max. 5 minutes of discussion
b) The slides have to be in English.
c) The presentation language is English.
Several presentations will be joined into one session. Each session is chaired by a person who has the task to facilitate the discussion of the various contributions within this session. The names of the session chairs will be announced shortly before the conference. You will find the title of “your” session once the programme is published. We also recommend that you keep in mind or note down your session number.
Please note that programme modifications are possible at any time. Make sure to check the slot of your presentation once again shortly before the conference begins by having a look at the program schedule on the website
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If the participant (m/f/d) cancels his/her registration up to 3 months before the event, he/she will receive a full refund of the participation fee.
If the participant (m/f/d) cancels his/her registration after this date, only 80% of the participation fee will be refunded. The participant (m/f/d) has the opportunity to prove that the damages incurred by DGOF in this case are less than the remaining 20% of the participation fee or that no damages were incurred at all.
If the cancellation of the participant has caused higher costs, DGOF reserves the right to withhold these costs instead of the percentage value.
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All visitors and participants of the GOR conference need to register online. This registration is the confirmation that you will attend GOR. Registration has started.
There are various participant groups: students, academic participants and presenting authors and commercial participants. If you are not sure to which of these participant groups you belong, please contact the DGOF office via before registering. If you are a DGOF-member you receive a disount.
Only one author of a paper to be presented at GOR gets a discount on the conference fee. This rebate is not valid for any of the co-authors. Co-authors have to register as regular visitors no matter whether the paper will be presented by more than one person at the conference.
Papers presented in the GOR Imapact and Innovation Award have can be presented by one or two people (one representative of the research institute or / and one of the company). Here the presenting author discount is granted to one author from each of these groups.
To allow for a mention in the conference programme, presenting authors must register in the ConfTool system by 21 January 2025. The registration deadline for poster presenters is 23 February 2025.
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Review procedure:
All abstracts submitted are scored in a double-blind peer review by members of the GOR International Board according to the criteria mentioned in the submission format (clarity and quality of the four aspects: relevance & research question, methods & data, results, added value). Most submissions receive feedback and comments from 3 reviewers, together with the final decision of acceptance or rejection. Naturally, the chances of acceptance are increased if all four criteria are addressed in the abstract.
The programme committee is in charge of the final decisions based on the reviews. In case of multiple submissions by the same author(s) the programme committee reserves the right to limit the number of accepted submissions.
Review scheme:
Before reviewers submit their final recommendation on an 11-point-scale the GOR programme committee proposes the following scheme in which they can add points with respect to the criteria below:
Start with zero points. Then consider
Relevance & Research Question(s), up to 2 points: If the research question(s) and relevance is/are important or innovative add up to two points. If it is unclear, vague or missing, add zero points. If you have mixed feelings or it is neither good nor bad, add 1 point.
Methods & Data, up to 2 points: zero, if method is inadequate or not mentioned, 1 point if method is convincing and adequate, +1 for well documented sampling procedure and data description (e.g. non-probability sample, students, n=36 or 500 invitations to members of panel XY).
Results, up to 2 points: zero, if no explicit results are included or the authors did not address the research question. Add points for explicit results.
Added Value, up to 2 points: Add points, if it is clear what the results add to the existing body of knowledge or a recommendation was drawn from the results.
Add up to 2 bonus points for outstanding work and aspects that were not covered in this evaluation scheme, such as overall fit of submission to GOR conference, fit into track type (e.g., online research methodology or applied online market research, …) or other aspects in the abstract you would like to reward.
You might need to ignore this scheme, if it seems unappropriate for the submitted research (e.g., research without data collection).
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There will be a number of workshops on various topics concerning online research taking place on the pre-conference day, Monady, 31 March 2025. These have to be booked separately during registration and are not covered by the regular GOR 25 conference fee. You can also book a “Workshop only ticket” if you are not able to or don´t want to visit the conference.