Past GOR Best Practice Award Winners:

  • GOR Best Practice Award 2023: Silke Moser (GIM mbH), Niklas Mrutzek (Erason) and Matthias Eckert (Hessischer Rundfunk): “Deeper Target Group Understanding Through Artificial Intelligence”
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2022: Dirk Held (Aimpower) and Vera Wagner (Henkel): “Leverage the Virtual Consumer – How an Online Augmented Intelligence Solution Supports Henkel Sales Teams to Climb up the Effectiveness Ladder”
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2021: Beat Fischer (intervista AG, CH) and Peter Moser (Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich, CH) for their study “Mobility Monitoring COVID-19 in Switzerland
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2020: Katrin Krüger (Happy Thinking People, Germany) and Jessica Adel (Electrolux AB Europe, Sweden) for their study „Chilling with VR – A Case Study with H/T/P, Electrolux and Vobling. How the Interplay between Classical Qualitative and VR Generated Efficiencies and Effectiveness
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2019: Holger Lütters (HTW Berlin), Malte Friedrich-Freksa (GapFish GmbH), Dmitrij Feller (pangea labs GmbH), Marc Egger (Insius UG) and Mark Wolff (GapFish GmbH) for their study „Automation of the Real Voice of the Customer. Use of massive audio and video interaction in online interviews
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2018: Yannick Rieder, Thomas Perry (both Q | Agentur für Forschung) and Sabine Feierabend (SWR Südwestrundfunk) for their study “From Research to Content: How We Exploit the Web like a Goldmine for Editors and Content Producers
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2017: Beat Fischer (LINK Institut) and Christof Hotz (APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG) for their study “Innovative out of home advertising research using beacons
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2016: Tom De Ruyck, Anouk Willems (both InSites Consulting) and Annemiek Temming (Danone Dairy) for their study “The Insight Activation Studio
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2015: Eva Herzog, Kerstin Hammen (both Yahoo! Deutschland) and Michael Wörmann (Facit Digital) for their study “Native Ads – Ad Content in Context
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2014: Olaf Wenzel (SKOPOS) and Christian Lauterbach (Deutsche Telekom) for their study “New Enabling of Advertising Research Using Facial Coding and Real Time Response Measurement Online
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2013: Gerhard Keim, Patricia Blau und Dominic Fried-Booth (GIM. Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung and Barnes & Noble) for their presentation “Read between the lines – Understanding the potential of e-reading in Germany
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2012: Mitja Wogatzky, Julia Sauermann, Henning Breuer and Fee Steinhoff (FactWorks GmbH and Telekom Innovation Laboratories) for their presentation “Turning fiction into the road ahead – the Local Innovation Panel of Deutsche Telekom
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2011: Andreas Woppmann (MAM Babyartikel GmbH) and Karl Ledermüller (Vienna University of Economics and Business) for their presentation “Quick and clever – creating an automated facebook montoring tool for MAM
  • GOR Best Practice Award 2010: Martin Einhorn, Michael Löffler and Thomas Klein Reesink (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG) for their presentation “Media usage patterns of premium customers in the USA, Japan and Germany“.

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