GOR Poster Award
Posters are a great opportunity to present the latest breaking research, highlight specific research findings, and discuss work in progress with like-minded people at GOR. Poster authors present their poster during a poster session on Thursday. Posters may cover any of the relevant topics of GOR and will be on display for the duration of the whole conference.
All poster submissions take part in the GOR Poster Award competition.
The winner(s) will receive a prize money of 500 €.
Winners of the GOR Poster Award 2024:
“Ask a Llama – Creating Variance in Synthetic Survey Data” by Matthias Roth (GESIS)
List of former GOR Poster Award winners.
GOR Thesis Award
Students who finished their bachelor, master, diploma or doctoral theses with a focus on online research can apply for the GOR Thesis Award. Selected authors will present their findings at the GOR conference and the best ones will be awarded a prize in their respective categories: for the best doctoral thesis and for the best bachelor/master/diploma thesis.
Participants receive a complimentary ticket for GOR. The winner(s) will also receive a prize money of 500 €.
Winners of the GOR Thesis Award 2024:
BA/MA: Georg Ahnert (University of Mannheim): “Fair Sampling for Global Ranking Recovery”
PhD: Julian B. Axenfeld (DIW Berlin): “Imputation of Missing Data from Split Questionnaire Designs in Social Surveys”
List of former GOR Thesis Award winners.
GOR Best Practice Award
The Best Practice Award honours case studies in which online market research methods have been successfully used in companies. Especially new and innovative methods, such as virtual reality, internet-of-things, measurement of biometric data and research with wearables, are welcome.
Winner of the GOR Best Practice Award 2023:
Silke Moser (GIM mbH), Niklas Mrutzek (Erason) and Matthias Eckert (Hessischer Rundfunk): “Deeper Target Group Understanding Through Artificial Intelligence”