Extended Deadline for GOR 24 Call for Papers

We have extended the deadline for abstract submissions for Tracks A, B and C as well as for the GOR Thesis Award 2024 to Sunday, 19 November 2023, 12.00 pm CET.

Conference Date: 21 – 23 February 2024
Where: Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne, Germany

Are you working on research on online and mobile web survey methodology, online market research, data science, or public opinion research, politics and online communication? Then submit your abstract to GOR, the international conference on online research in Germany. Join us in Cologne in February!

We extend the deadline for the following Tracks: 

  1. Survey Research: Advancements in Online and Mobile Web Surveys (Track A)
  2. Data Science: From Big Data to Smart Data (Track B)
  3. Politics, Public Opinion, and Communication (Track C)
  4. GOR Thesis Award 2024 (Track T)

Please find the detailed call here: https://www.gor.de/about/call-for-papers.html 

Submissions will be accepted on the basis of a double-blind peer review process. 

The official conference language is English. Abstracts for Tracks A, B and C as well as the GOR Thesis Award 2024 have to be submitted online via https://www.conftool.org/gor24

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