GOR 24: First Keynote Speaker Confirmed

The first keynote speaker of GOR 24 has been confirmed: Professor Annette Jäckle from the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex is going to give a keynote speech at the 26th General Online Research Conference (21 – 23 February 2024 at Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne). Her topic is “Data collection using mobile apps: What can we do to increase participation?“.

Professor Jäckle’s research interests cover new ways of using mobile devices for survey data collection, responsent consent to data linkage, questionnaire design to measure change in longitudinal surveys (dependent intervieweing) as well as mixed mode data collection, effetcs of mode on participation and measurement error.

You can find further information on her here: Prof Annette Jäckle, University of Essex

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