Today, the German Society for Online Research (DGOF) has published the call for papers for the General Online Research Conference 2023 (GOR 23). The 25th edition of the event will take place this year in Kassel, Germany, from September 20-22, 2023, in collaboration with the University of Kassel.
As of now, papers can be submitted via ConfTool for the following tracks:
Track A: Survey Research: Advancements in Online and Mobile Web Surveys.
Track B: Data Science: From Big Data to Smart Data
Track C: Politics, Public Opinion, and Communication
We are looking for submissions on innovative methods, concepts and applications as well as on current trends and developments in the field of digital research.
There will also be another opportunity to qualify for one of the three GOR competitions:
The GOR Best Practice Award 2023 will reward the best study in online market research, the GOR Thesis Award 2023 will be awarded for the best thesis in online research, and the GOR Poster Award 2023 will be awarded for the best poster presentation during the conference.
The submission deadlines are:
- March 31, 2023 for Tracks A, B and C.
- April 30, 2023 for GOR Best Practice Award 2023 and GOR Thesis Award 2023.
- May 31, 2023 for posters and the GOR Poster Award 2023.
Up to 350 participants from universities, institutes and companies from Germany and abroad are expected to attend the English- and German-language conference.
As one of the first conferences in Europe, the GOR started in the 1990s to deal with digital research in detail and has since then been held regularly in changing cities in the German-speaking world.
The detailed call with all submission modalities is available here.
Further information on GOR is available at